Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cresent Moon: Wednesday 17th February

Crescent Moon : Wednesday 17th of February
Moon in Aries – Fire
(Moon rises in morning and is only visible in late afternoon or early evening)

We are the creators of our own lives. We write our own scripts, to our own movies. We have the ability to change whatever in our lives, whenever we want to. Our hands are magical. Our bodies are empowered. We are all witches and wizards. Brujas… So wake up! Realize you are the creator of your own happiness. When a situation sucks, change your attitude. Realize you create that feeling, that energy. We are powerful beings, only now re-realizing that we can do anything!
When it Storms, sing out to the Lighting
When the Sun shines, soak up His energy
When the Moon rises, dance to Her harmony
When the Winds and Air blow, fly away
When Snow falls, become children again
And when the Rain pours, run fast and fast and faster into her water depths of non existence.

It started pouring rain again. You know it’s not the rainy season here. Winter is not when it rains. Summer it rains. Not winter. Mother Earth why is it raining? Listen! She is crying, tears of neglect nice and beating. We are hurting her, her belly. We live in her belly and are tearing at it. We have to wake up! And fight as Earth, Light, and Rainbow Warriors.
With the Rain, I went out and danced. Danced, Danced, and Danced.
And with Mercury in the sky, I decided to leave the next day.

“One thing we know for sure.
The Earth was not made for man,
Man was made for Earth.”

¨How can we buy or sell the Earth? We do not weave the web of life. We are but a strand in the web of life. What we do to the Web we do to ourselves. All things are connected. Every part of this Earth is scared to my people.¨

-Chief Seattle

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