Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cresent Moon - Saturday 20th March (Spring Equinox)





Maya Descendent

Sut u Suutuk-The moment has arrived-to activate the new genetic codes of our DNA. This 20 and 21 of March 2010 we will work on activation of our genetic codes through the solar rays and vibratory frequencies of 528 Hertz in accordance with the mathematics of Orion.

With the arrival of each climatic season a change in our emotional biorhythm occur and new general connection of neurons. It is the ideal moment or time to emit frequencies of high vibration that will help our nation wakeup. Besides, we have the advantage that during these dates( March 20, 21) the pyramids and archeological zones will emit frequencies known as KUKULK'AN-QUETZALCOATL.

The town of San Miguel has 3 pyramids around it that are precisely aligned to transmit these vibratory frequencies all across Mexico; therefore we need to take advantage of this ancestral wisdom to potentiate the waking up of a new conscious.

Place: Rancho Hermita....going towards Guanajuato....before come to presa


Saturday March 20

-will start at midday with sweatlodge to purify our body, preparing us to transmit our vibrations. During the sweatlodge songs will be sung to elevate the resonance of our cells to a higher frequency.

-will work with the labyrinth which is in mathematical alignment with Venus. The course in this labyrinth will serve to activate all our energetic centers, bring equilibrium to our cerebral hemispheres and to increase our preceptual capacities.

-during the night we will participate in a candlelight vigil to connect with the new energies that are presently arriving on the planet and there will be a ceremonie lead by our brothers of the Bear Clan from the North. The Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe is a tribe that conserves the Traditional Ceremonies of the Bear ad Eagle. It's purpose is to bring healing to the Mother Earth and the people.

Sunday March 21

-start the day with a meditation to activate our neurons in the direction of the sun

-every morning til noon, we will work with vibrations and forms from Orion

Keep in mind that this event is not a "spectacle show; it is an energetic work with the Maya knowledge/wisdom to wake up our consciousness. Therefore it is necessary to prepare:

Instruments of ultrasonic vibrations (ocarinas, tibetan bowls and bells, drums, digeridoo, wine cups

I attended this cermoney along with a group of my friends. I attended a conference led by Ac Tah the weekend before and during the week helped prepare for the gathering. I along with 3 women, helped build the rock Mayan Labrithyn. On Friday my best friend Carmelle, that i started the trip with here in Mexico, met up with me and my friends and on Saturday, my friend Emily arrived. Along with many familiar faces (Mexico is amazing, there is a serious link-chain of interconnection between those who are on the same RED Road...) we spent the weekend mediating and in prayer for the Americas to WAKE UP from their Dream State of Unconsciousness and Remember why we are here. To Wake up and help the Earth in her dying days. We all participated in Tamascals (Sweat lodges) and purified our bodys and spirits. As well on Saturday night, we were blessed with the DANZA DE LOS OSOS - Bear Clan to come and dance for us. There were 7 men dressed in compleat bear hides who danced cermonial to the beats of the earths belly, drums around a fire. This happened at midnight. We then joined in their dance and became one again with our Earth Mother. The energy of this weekend Cermoney was intense. We were vibrating at such high frequencys, it was incredible! On Sunday, waking up at sunrise we mediated and late that morning started to walk the labrithyn and pray. It was a five circular constrution, 3 paths to walk along. There were more than 5 inner circles as well inside the maze. Three circles held Tamascals. Later one was used for mediation and the other (as it was taken down) for yoga and movement during the prayer circle. Then there were 2 inner smaller circles, that held 13 Spirits making sound, creating music. As well there was a circle, where 13 women "who have visions" constructed a bamboo structure in less than an hour the day before. There the women sat in silence and meditated. And in the center circle, where the fire pit was, there were Shamans, Medicine women and men, the Bear Clan, and Ak Tah. Their they beat to the Earths rythum with drums and Chanting of sounds, vibrations, and words. During this their were hundreds surrounding the outer circle and stamping to the beat of the Earth in slow Dance, holding hands, and Sprillaling inwards toward the Heart of all Creation. Within the Labrinthyn the vibrations of Energy grew and grew to enouromous intensity. We were WAKING UP our Sleeping Brothers and Sisters. WAKE UP!

There will be another cermoney in June - Summer Solistice in Vera Cruz Mexico.

There was already a Fall Equinox Cermoney in Colima Mexico.

And including this the second, the Spring Equinox in San Miguel de Allende Mexico.

There are to be 3 cermonies in all that Ac Tah is running. The first was to wake up Mexico, the second to wake up the Americas, and the third to wake up the WORLD! For more information you can check out their webpage:

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