We´ve skedaddled our way outta Sayulita fast as well. Bit too hippity hop pop squash, gringo landia minus the flashy suicide resorts of Vallarta. Just bit to happening if you know what i mean...
We haven´t gone far. Along with another Rasta man Vibration, on a motor bike on a journey from North to South -top to tip of the Americas. We picked up and found a free campin private beach. Secret was how to get to it. Mal Paso being the name, meaning - ¨Difficult Passage¨ (Bad pass) it wasn´t over run as it took us an hour to get to it.
Today the moon is opposite of Mars - Will to act, Initiative, and Ambition; which all helped us to get there. To arrive to our - will to be - community. Mal Paso is paradise. A group of Latinos (around 20 of them) who built a clay oven and put´s up a volleyball net every time they camp, invited us over for pizza. Wonderful welcoming. They were just there for the weekend.
That night around ¨La Fuegata¨ - Camp Fire, strange things started happening to my body. Like never before in my life, i was disconnecting with my body and it went completely numb! Couldn´t feel anything. My nose was running a river and my throat clogged up. What was happening to me? Finally a visitor showed up, crawling here and there at our fire. A black king. A mighty, powerful being, that we had no control over. How insignificant did he make us feel. How fearful we became. How much power a Scorpion has! And that is when it clicked, my symptoms were of a scorpion sting. And that strange sting thro my dress on my stomach when i was collecting fire wood at dusk was not some foreign plant, yet a King. Luckily since it had been hours since it happened we decided i was not in any severe condition. So i just went onto bed with 3 tablespoons of olive oil and rest. Mal Paso´s welcoming present...
Lesson : Balance - Medicine. I am learning to balance fear. How to control fear. Not let it take over oneself and dig deeper and deeper. Negativity over ridding... We got lost on the path on Wednesday night. Walking back from Sayulita to Mal Paso Camp. We got lost in the jungle, with luckily one head lam,p, get fear was lingering. IT lingered as we wondered in circles. It lingered as we randomly choose which direction. It lingered and jumped out at us as the bushes moved and noises of the night cried out. What animal could it be? Yet we won, we fought simply. Negative verses Positive. A laugh and thought, a comment to Carmelle, ¨Oh, well whatever animal it maybe, just believe it is your animal totem and is here to give you a message. Be it a wild cat or not. We have control. And baaaaaamm....All Fear evaporated
21st I had a Dream:
It is 2012. Appears to be the Winter Solstice. At home, yes i am. Among the tree´s and friends. Among Redwoods and friends i grew up with. There is much going on. Chaos. But there is a group of women speaking to the tree´s, asking them to wake up, for help. We are in a circle, a circle of meditation. We are singing, meditating, sending love to the Earth and the Tree´s. As commotion and fear is spread, its outside our circle, we continue to sing the songs of the Earth. And as we sing the tree´s begin to wake up and move!
Cloudy, blue sky morning. 6 am. Before Sunrise. Earth shakes me up from thoughts, from slumber. The next great cycle is coming. The tree´s speak to us when we pray and ask them too. The ocean´s tides, Las Olas they are monstrous this morning. They wake me up from one of Earth Mother´s Messages.
Gotta lay down Low
Humble yourself in the Arms of the Wild
Gotta tell her what she know
We will lift each other up
Higher and Higher
We will lift each other up
Higher and Higher
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